Asiah Kudi, Verphy Kudi’s daughter died in December 2019 after being left alone for six days with no food or water. No one heard Asiah cry, not her immediate neighbors, not the staff, and not other residents.

Verphy Kudi, who left her 20-month-old daughter alone for six days to starve to death used social media to sell concert tickets the day Asiah’s body was discovered — before campaigning to become a model. Her Twitter account appears to have been deleted.
Verphy left her daughter in a supported housing block in Brighton without food, water for 6 days as she partied.
On the morning of the day her daughter was found, Kudi attempted to sell concert tickets, according to reports. In another tweet, she attempted to become a Pretty Little Thing model months after Asiah’s death.

Prior to her departure, Kudi had told staff at Gochers Court in Islingword Road that she and Asiah would be leaving together for her birthday. It was not uncommon for Verphy and Asiah to leave together on occasion, according to reports.
Kudi and her daughter had been living together at the independent living flats for 11 weeks before Asiah’s death. Kudi’s flat was one of eight in a residential complex run by the charity YMCA DownsLink on behalf of Brighton City Council to house vulnerable young families.
Residents with social workers are welcome to visit, but YMCA staff do not enter the living areas or conduct regular inspections because the flats are self-contained. Aisha was not on a child protection plan and was not involved with social work services when she lost her life.
A critical case study has been conducted into the death of a 20-month-old baby after her mother left her while celebrating her 18th birthday in London, Coventry, and Solihull.
Whereas Kudi has repeatedly gone missing since the age of 14 and has been the subject of numerous police searches. A serious case review has been launched into the case by the Brighton and Hove Safeguarding Children Partnership (BHSCP), which is made up of council services, police, and the NHS.
Asiah was born on March 22, 2018, however, the identity of her father is unknown. Since September 30, 2019, Asiah and her mother had been living in a flat in Brighton where they were housed by social services.
Verphy Kudi left her home alone on December 5
On her 19th birthday, Verphy Kudi was seen on CCTV leaving the flat before attending the parties in London, Coventry, and Solihull. Kudi was caught on camera leaving the building at 5:39 pm on December 5, leaving her daughter alone.

Kudi didn’t return until December 11 at 6:06 pm, when she dialed 999 and told the operator that her baby would not wake up. Asiah was then taken to Brighton’s Royal Alexandra Children’s Hospital but was pronounced dead upon arrival.
After reviewing CCTV footage, staff at the Brighton mother and baby unit for teen mothers where they had been staying contacted police a few days later. Kudi later admitted to the manslaughter of her daughter between December 4 and 12.
Asiah had been starved, dehydrated, and had the flu, according to a post-mortem examination and forensic tests. Her cause of death was given as neglect.
Kudi appeared at Lewes Crown Court on March 26, 2021, with her father to enter a guilty plea to manslaughter. “My heart is so broken. My daughter was missing. She had been missing since the age of 14.” Kudi’s father Muba Kudi said.
Prior to sentencing, the judge ordered that all social services records relating to the case be made available to the defense. The court heard how Verphy Kudi arrived home on 11 December and made a call to 999 saying that her daughter would not wake up.
Kudi held her hands to her face in court as the charges of manslaughter were read to her. She only spoke to respond to the charges and to confirm her identity.
‘You have heard that before I get to sentence you, the defense wants to get a report on your behalf, and a doctor will no doubt make arrangements to see you and interview you over the next few weeks,’ said Judge Christine Laing QC.

‘This was a particularly distressing case for my team and me to investigate, and has caused great sorrow amongst Verphy’s family and the many agencies that have supported Verphy and Asiah,’ said Senior Investigating Officer Detective Chief Inspector Andy Wolstenholme.
The case was rescheduled for a provisional sentencing date of May 28 pending a psychology report, but Kudi was warned that this could be pushed back.
Kudi’s sister Aisha Batrane spoke to Mailonline, “This entire situation has completely broken my family.” For the rest of the world, it may be entertaining, but it has completely shattered us. ‘We are heartbroken and enraged by Verphy’s actions. Verphy had been estranged from the rest of the family for a long time, and we had little contact with her.”
‘We spoke with her, and we still don’t know what she was up to for those six days, who she was with, or why she left in such a hurry.’ Who knows for sure? We have no idea what’s going on. As a family, we now want to be left alone to mourn and try to comprehend what has occurred.’
A council spokesperson said, “We are deeply saddened by this tragedy, it would be inappropriate for us to make further comments while the criminal proceedings and reviews are ongoing.”
The case is currently being prosecuted, and the city’s Safeguarding Children Partnership is also conducting an investigation into the circumstances of Asiah’s tragic death